Well, the bilingual postings are definitively a hit: 11 comments! You guys
rock :) :) :)
Sorry about the big bug emphasis, but here is some more... No more crawling
on us at night, which yeah, is great. I thought I was being a chicken with
them, until that same night Brendan said "How much do you care for a little
investigation of the bed before we go to sleep?". I'm happy, I think he
might after all be a normal being :) Today is a rest day, and for lunch, I
had what they have on most menus on the beach little cafes: "Freanch Fried"
(no typo there) and this is actually french fries. In my little plate: among
the "fried", I found... a fried leg. This is not a joke, I promise I found a
hairy grilled roach leg. So for Olivier's comment: I guess the local eat
both the lobsters and the roaches! I still ate the "fried" to pretend I'm
not part of the "white-rich-I don't like the locals- population"... but
euh... yes, maybe we can try another place for lunch next time. We have both
climbed hard the last couple of days. We did go to the island, and the
weather was "bloody bad" (there's a ton of people from Australia and New
Zealand here! So I don't know about Thai, but my Australian is getting
better!). It was windy and there was lots of wave for our 10K paddle to our
climbing spot. We made it, and climbed there. Climbing was great and we had
our own beach for lunch, yeah, with white sand and all. The climbing was
scary, and for the first time I couldn't jump and had to downclimb a bit
before jumping in. It's ok, I'll jump next time. Maybe :). Yesterday we
climbed routes on the beach, and I finally pulled out every move on the 13a
I'm working on, (I am super excited about that route, and I think I can send
it before we leave in about a week. The stopper move for me is a HUGE dyno
to a 2 finger pocket at the last draw. Brendan has his own little pride too:
he has done all the moves on a 14a, and hopes he can put it together. That's
more comments that the climbers will appreciate, but the rock here is so
good. Lots of pockets, lots of dynos, and most bottoms of climbs are sick
overhangs and roofs, worked in by the tides, and tsunamis... It has rained a
lot, tropical rain storms, before which the monkeys seem to go nuts. So I
got some great monkey pictures :) On our paddle to Koh Poda Island a few
days ago, I saw a flying fish. My first :) Was fun.
For Brendan's medic thing, I didn't put it up on the blog, because he was
super bummed. But yeah, these guys turned it into a lottery system, and he's
not in. The good news is he gets two tickets for next year they say. The bad
news is we want to be in Colorado next year. So... Probably not the medic
program at CCSF. Brendan hasn't grown up in a city, and he is very ready to
get out of the city, so it'll be his call, but I don't feel he'll wait
around for his turn at CCSF. We've talked a lot, but he was sad. I'm glad
we're here, it helped him take his mind off of it.
To finish on a happier note, he'll send a 14a most likely here, and that's
Talk to you soon, I won't translate this one because I wrote too much!
~~Paul: Have an awesome time in Mexico my friend!