Dad: Pour les chopsticks mon pauvre bof bof: ici les Thai sont vachement divises: la moitie sont musulmans, l'autre boudhistes, et la moitie mangent avec des baguettes, l'autre non, avec des cuilleres en porcelaine, genre chinoises, et des fourchettes. Alors autant te dire que Brendan a choisi son camp :) !! Ils te donnent tous ca pour bouffer ici, et tu choisis. Ouais les photos ca va donner, surtout avec mon super appareil! Bisous.
Mom: C'est parce que tu veux pas ma mobylette? C'est cool que t'ai recupere ta caisse. Je suis allee lire ton message quand meme... :) Ouais, c'est sur qu'on sera content de manger une bonne timballe milanaise! De base. Et puis si vous avez reussi a nous garder un saucisson, c'est carrement le luxe!! Bises.
Paul: No, crazy boy, I sure didn't eat the leg. I'm not that commited to please the Thais! I ate the fries though :) Wait til I kick your butt at Mission on the 13s! and btw, Brendan hasn't sent YET (me neither though!). I can belay on 14s... does that make me look cool?? lol. No seriously, I don't know if I am looking forward to ever reaching that level: there are no more holds on the 14s!
Mom: C'est parce que tu veux pas ma mobylette? C'est cool que t'ai recupere ta caisse. Je suis allee lire ton message quand meme... :) Ouais, c'est sur qu'on sera content de manger une bonne timballe milanaise! De base. Et puis si vous avez reussi a nous garder un saucisson, c'est carrement le luxe!! Bises.
Paul: No, crazy boy, I sure didn't eat the leg. I'm not that commited to please the Thais! I ate the fries though :) Wait til I kick your butt at Mission on the 13s! and btw, Brendan hasn't sent YET (me neither though!). I can belay on 14s... does that make me look cool?? lol. No seriously, I don't know if I am looking forward to ever reaching that level: there are no more holds on the 14s!
1 comment:
I'll give you a comment/blog back - something for you (and the rest of the Frenchies) to read.
Went and skied at Squaw today. Haven't been on my skis in 3 seasons, and the first drop in (read: exiting the gondola) freaked me out. Did laps all day on groomers. The snow is good, but sparse. It was 4 degrees (F) on summit and the wind was gusting to 30mph. It was beautiful. :) So fun just getting to know my edges again. Although I think I'm a long way from top form. Priorities, huh!!
Holds are important to climbing. :)
Roy told me I'm an amazing 5.13b belayer. LOL
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