Monday, May 20, 2013

4 Videos!

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Tao qui saute:

Tao a quattre pattes:

Skyouche en velo:

Tao qui mange tout seul:

Saturday at the Zoo!

Brendan is working a 3 day stretch this week, so we decided to go say hi today. Sky saw his favorite vehicles: the ambulance and the firetruck, and then we headed to... the zoo! Once we're close to Denver, I figured we might as well, even though today was Saturday.... and most people have the day off! It was crowded, but super fun, Sky and Tao both looked at a ton of animals, and slept on the way home :)

Brendan bosse trois jours de suite cette semaine, et du coup on est passe par la station aujourd'hui pour lui dire bonjour. Sky a regarde le camion de pompier, l'ambulance, et apres ca, direction... le zoo! Quel planning. Une fois qu'on est a Denver, je me suis dis, allez, dommage que ce soit samedi, mais on y va quand meme! Il y avait pas mal de monde, mais Sky et Tao on vu plein de bestioles, et on dormi au retour :)

Rifle with friends!

For the first time we found another climbing family who actually follows thru with plans! We were super psyched to climb with them for a couple of days... and they brought their "merry muscles" which Tao really liked!!!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Fete des meres!!

Pour la fete des meres je m'etaits inscrite a une course a pied avec la poussette! On a bien courru tous les trois, et ensuite, direction la plage. Tout le monde en a vachement profite :) Il ne nous manquait que Brendan! Sky installe penard dans sa poussette a declare "maman j'aime bien quand c'est la course!"

I ran the Title 9K for Mother's day, with the double stroller! Then we hit the beach at the Boulder Reservoir, everybody loved it, we just missed Brendan! Sky sitting in his Chariot said "Mommy I like it when it's a race!"

Petite jambes

Samedi, on a emmene les petits mecs en balade sur les petits chemin a Flagstaff (Boulder), on avait pris le sac a dos juste au cas ou, et en fait il a marche la majorite de la balade!

Saturday we took the boys on a hike up to Flagstaff. We had Sky's back pack for when we thought he'd get tired, and little dude walked/ran most of it, go Sky go! 

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