Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Easy day today

Aujourd'hui pas d'escalade. On a loue des palmes + masques et tuba, et on est partis faire floc floc et voir les poissons... super sympa. Et entre 2 sessions, on faisait les saucisses sur la plage. On a des petits moments de pluie ici, et le ciel est moyen, alors on se tate pour notre petit sejour sur l'ile en face. Peut-etre on finira par y aller seulelment pour la journee a cause de la meteo. En tous cas, on est guerris, finie la creve, finie la tourista... :) Brendan a sorti son harmonica aujourd'hui sur la plage... un succes! Et moi j'ai tricote un peu... c'est vachement de saison! Entre l'harmonica et le tricot, les Thai sont confus! On est devenus super copain avec le mec qui a un stand de pancake Thai... et on vient d'apprendre a dire How are you, and Good. Pas encore trilingues, mais on fait de petits pas!!!
Oh oui, et dans la serie histoires d'horreur, pour moi au moins, je me suis reveillee cette nuit avec un cafard sur moi. Putain c'est deg. Et a ecraser, bonjour, il faut une matraque! Je me suis rendormie quand meme... mais apres t'es completement parano.

Today no climbing. Snorkeling! We rented fiuns + mask and tuba, and went down there to check out the fishies. Cool colors :) Beteween 2 dives, we worked on our tans. The weather isa little funky here lately, and we get regular rain shower with wind, so we are a little hesitant to do a trip to the island across from where we are. We might and up just going for the day, and paddle back the same night. We are finally cured and hopefully done with the germs for good: no more cold, no more stomach bugs. Today on the beach, Brendan popped out his harmonica, and I kept knitting something I started in the plane. The local people looked sort of confused... We learnt how to say "How are you", and "good" in Thai today. We probably won't be quite quite trilingual by the time we get back, we'll have to come back!
Oh yeah, and for the horror story section, for me at least, I woke up last night with a cocroach on my chest. It is so nasty. And you need a hammer to crush those guys!!! I successfully went back to sleep though, but you end up being pretty paranoid about what you feel after that!


Janis Couvreux said...

Je suis d'accord avec toi re: le cafard! They give me the creeps too! I would even prefer a big harry spider to a roach now! Hey, do they have the giant centipedes there too? Je crois que c'est des "scoloponds"? Aucune idee comment ca s'ecrit. Et puis en plus, ces bestioles la sont dangereux--poison, vraiment!

Oliv said...

OUh la la,je crois que j'aimerais pas tellement tellement les gros cafards...

Oliv said...

A deux minutes d'intervalle les cafards font l'unanimite chez les belle meres!

Paul said...

You will have to remind me to tell you about the cockroaches in Barbados. Hint: don't open hatches you don't need to! :)

Tan. Great. It's in the 60s here, but not for long. I'm going skiing on Monday, and then off to Mexico on Wednesday next week. Maybe I'll get a little tan. Maybe.

But what I want to know is... did Brendan get into CCSF? What's the scoop? Someone must know! :)

Paul (betting it's 'don pedro')

Janis Couvreux said...

A propos les 2 minutes d'intervalle du degout des cafards chez des belles meres: comme quoi on fait une bonne equipe, sur le meme longuer d'onde! (Pas mal de faire une conversation a travers le Thailande lorsque nous nous trouvons quand meme pas loin l'une de l'autre dans cet hemishpere!).

For Mr. "Paul" (Mom here) re: Brendan's acceptance to the CCSF program: it seems it's a no go, that there was some sort of screwy lottery system, a real free-for-all. But you are right, "Don Pedro" has more info since they got the mail.

Paul said...

Well that's too bad. That lottery at CCSF is a #@$^%! OTOH, it's great that C&B can play in Thailand for the duration. :)

Thanks for the update.

Paul (my real name)

papoumamou said...

Mamou est d'accord avec les belles-mamans, rien que d'y penser cela donne le frisson, mais je crois qu'ils ne sont pas dangereux, contrairement aus scolopendres (cent-pieds en polynésie)qui piquent douloureusement.
Faites attention à vous, profitez bien du paysage, de l'aventure et de l'harmonica. Bisous

Oliv said...

About this roach, are you sure it was a roach? You're sure it was not a lobster? This could be good food!!
Next time, drop it in the pan, and if it tastes good, forget about what it was!
Avec un coup de ketchup, je parie que ca le fait.
- Olivier (my real name)

Oliv said...

You mean you killed Rupert?????!!!
I thought I had told you to bring him back for the boat! snif.

Janis Couvreux said...

Re: ces recettes: you guys are disgusting; vous etes deguelasses....(ortho--?--de ce dernier mot.

Janis Couvreux said...

Michel had put up a recipe for roaches, but it won't post from his computer, for some reason, thus, my comment doesn't make much sense! It was a great recipe, though!

Oliv said...

Vous avez bien choisi votre mois de vacances, ici il pele grave et le vent est glacial...
A mon avis, vous ne serez pas difficile pour la bouffe du retour, le dernier saucisson tient bon, on ne l'a pas mange...

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