Alright, today I'm catching up with pictures and stories, so here is some more! That's the good thing about running a marathon yesterday, I'm pretty calm today and can sit in front of the pc :)
We went to Joe's Valley, UT, to boulder for a week during spring break. It was super nice, bouldering was awesome, the only hick up was the temperature: it snowed for 3 days, and was thus a little chilly. But once we had driven across California, Nevada and Utah, we weren't going to turn away, so we stayed, and climbed! And, tested the flip pac in the field :) It snowed on it, and it rocked. When you cook in it with a stove on the tailgate, the heat rises up, and then the tent part is warm and cozy to hang out in. We were there with some friends too, and we got four people on the newly built bench! A friend did go through, but we swang by... Walmart (yes it's totally evil, but it's the only store there!) and bought what we needed to fix it, and now it's ready for everybody... ! It was lots of fun.
Aujourd'hui je suis off, et comme j'ai mal aux jambes... apres le marathon, je suis posee sur ma chaise devant l'ordi, je suis calmee :) Voila les photos et un petit mot sur notre voyage a Utah pendant notre semaine de vacances de Paques. On est parti avec le flip pac bien sur, c'etait son premier voyage, et c'etait genial. Il a neige pendant 3 jours... aie, la meteo! Mais on allait pas faire demi-tour apres 20h de route! Et est donc reste... sous la neige, et on a grimpe quand meme! Au milieu de la semaine, la meteo s'est arrangee. On a donc teste le nouveau banc, et comme on avait des copains avec nous, c'etait serieux le test. De fait, on a un copain qui est passe a travers (oops) mais tout est reparre, et plus resistant! L'escalade etait geniale, et ca nous a fait un bon break.
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