Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Library and bath

Random pictures from yesterday :)
Quelques photos d'hier :) 

Sunday, November 24, 2013


A la bibliotheque a Boulder il y a des livres.... et aussi des canards! Alors on leur a amene du pain, un triomphe :) La derniere photo est 'le canard qui est mon prefere' de Skyouche.

At the library in Boulder there are books.... and ducks too! So we brought them some bread today, and it was a huge hit for the boys :) The last picture is Sky's "favorite duck"....

Boys at night

Surprise dessert delivery by our little neighbor! Sky is super psyched... a lava cake with raspberries instead of bed.... ooh yeah!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Playing at the park :)

 Tao gave his all to try to catch a bird.... didn't work! Fine, the slide will do :)
Tao aurait bien aime se choper un oiseau.... mais n'y arrive pas! Pas grave, il y a le toboggan :)

Brothers.... cute!

Climbing boys!

More time spent at the climbing gym..... Tao is so ready to go!
Encore une petite matinee a la salle d'escalade.... Tao aimerait bien grimper!



Petite session peinture.... yahoooo!

Random pix :)

Sky cleaning up, Tao checking out his new PJs, and dinner by the fire at Whole Foods.
Sky fait le menage, Tao se trouve beau (merci Minnie!), et diner a Whole Foods, pres du feux. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sky climbing with Emily

Sweet little people!!! Climbing, spotting, training, having fun!!!

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