Ooooohhhh... I'm so sad. I had written a nice little note for you guys, and put a picture with it and everything, and I had written back little notes in response to all your comments, one by one, and since I suck with the pictures, I messed it up, and pooof, my message is gone :(
It's ok. We're doing all good now, but we had a rough start this new year: we both got sick, so we quicked back a little, and climbed some routes, with a rope then, yesterday. I have a cold, and our stomachs were feeling a little funky lert's say :)
Since it messed everything up, I'm at least going to try to get that picture posted!!!
We're having a Thai "pancake" on the beach.
Here there serve bananas with everything. I think I can deal with that!
Kisses to everybody.
Tout le monde est malade ici--rhume, estomac. Fais gaffe aux bombes a Bangkok au retour!!
I figured that was why we hadn't heard from you... sure didn't take long, did it? :) Glad you're feeling better!!
Would love to see a picture or 10.
Prenez bien soin de vous deux et meilleure sante.
Nous attendons la suite de vos aventures tropicales.
Bises de papou et mamou
C'est le moment de verifier l'efficacite des remedes de Dorothee!
Ou d'en trouver des nouveaux...
Avec tout ca, j'ai meme pas dit bonne annee!
Big bises a vous deux.
BTW - I should clarify what I meant. Wendy and I were laughing about:
"We're experimenting with lots of great Thai food!"
...silence for three days...
Paul (working to up the English:French ratio)
Bonne année les poulets!
Lire votre blog nous fait bien réver.
Sauf pour les troubles digestifs associés à la thai food mais bon vous inquiétez pas, moi j'ai eu droit à une petite gastro française pour noel, c'était sympa aussi!
Dommage qu'on puisse pas voir les photos mais on imagine bien la couleur de l'eau...
big kiss to you 2!
Ta courante m'a rappellée une certaine journée au Maroc après avoir vu les cranes de mouton avec leurs dents... Heureusement l'immodium et le Coca sont là pour nous remettre dans le droit chemin.
Continuez à passer de bonnes vacances, mangez du riz à gogo. Gros Bisous de nous deux
Minnie et JL
So sorry to hear you guys got sick. 'Tis the season...although we have thankfully avoided it for now.
I keep having visions of you two as part of that TV a room with a bed with mosquito netting in the dark, something buzzes...the light snaps on...and there are a MILLION big bugs all over! Glad they have Geckos.
It has been fun reading all of the posts in both French and English and hearing about your adventures. Stay safe, have fun and try to stay healthy.
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