And, there are many more pictures, that I posted on the Kodack website. I sent out an email to most of you guys, so that you can go see them from your emails too. There are some traveling, climbing, jungle, monkeys, bugs, and more pictures!! Enjoy :)
These two little dudes live a pretty sweet life... traveling, climbing rocks, climbing trees, running, biking, flying kites, swimming in rivers, surfing, playing outside and who knows what else! Enjoy the show :)
Thursday, January 25, 2007
And, there are many more pictures, that I posted on the Kodack website. I sent out an email to most of you guys, so that you can go see them from your emails too. There are some traveling, climbing, jungle, monkeys, bugs, and more pictures!! Enjoy :)
Construction work
and have the text and colors popping up normally before I put pictures up...
very soon :) I'm working on it... it'll have ups and downs before the final look!
Je fais des "travaux" sur le blog, pour qu'il soit tout beau avant de mettre
des photos... tres bientot :) J'y travaille... et ce sera un peu bizarre en attendant la version finale!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Back in SF
whole new energy to us... both Brendan and I have a ton of stuff to take
care of after being away for so long! But we came back with so much energy
and happiness that it doesn't even really matter how long our "to do" list
is :))) Brendan works tonight, and I start class tomorrow morning at 7am...
so... yeah! Start running now! I thought the blog looked funky because of
our slow connection out there, but it looks just as weird here, so I'll
consult with my trusted favorite tech support person (and that would be my
dad!) and will try to get it to look normal again. I'll get things together,
attend my first classes, and by this week-end you guys should be able to see
some pictures! Love, Chloe-
Ca y est, on est de retour a SF. C'est incroyable comme un voyage comme ca
nous redonne une tonne d'energie! Brendan et moi avons tous les 2 des listes
sans fin de trucs a faire apres avoir ete en vacances si longtemps... mais
on est rentres tellement en forme, que c'est vraiment pas grave! Brendan
travaille ce soir (cette nuit plutot!) et moi je recommence les cours demain
a 7h. Je croyais que la page du blog avait une tete bizarre a cause de la
mauvaise connection en Thailande, mais meme ici c'est un peu n'importe quoi,
alors je vais voir avec Olivier (mon technicien prefere!) si on peut
arranger ca. Je vais essayer de m'organiser un peu, commencer les cours, et
d'ici ce week-end je devrai pouvoir mettre des photos! Bises, Chloe-
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Leaving Tonsai
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
A few more days
We are now super friends with the pancake man :) and when we walk by (ie pretty often since he is right next door to our "room"), we say hello in Thai, and he answers hello in english with his own accent: "Allooo! Pancake?" He is this old little Thai dude, and he makes awesome Thai pancakes :) We did a walk in the jungle a few days ago, in flip flops...! We haven't had any electricity for the last 4 days. Normally, if all goes well, here on the peninsula, there is electricity (for one plug, one light bulb and one fan in our room) from 6pm to midnight, and we've had no water from our faucet either: the "plumber" has left the island for a few days! However, life goes on in our little room... It is separated from the room next door with 2 sheets of plaster/wood, and let me tell you there is life in between these sheets. Brendan and I both agreed that some bigger animal killed some smaller animal in there last night, and something squealed...!!! I thought they might both end up in our room! And we have one more cockroach for Brendan's successful killing counts. For the climbing, we have climbed a lot, still haven't sent, but it's all good, and our fingers are super dead. Nothing dries out here, so your swim suit smells like dead frog, and that's ok, but your fingers are so moist, they get used up a lot faster on the rocks. Once you have a little booboo here, it's hard to have it heal well! Today will be our last rest day, and then we'll climb until we leave. We have a few more days here on Tonsai, and we bought our bus tickets to go back to Bangkok on Sunday. 15 hours in a Thai bus, then plane, and we'll be back in SF!! Hope everybody is doing good!! (That will probably be our last post, until we get home, when I'll put up some pictures!!!)
On est devenus super copains avec le pancake man: quand on passe devant son petit satnd, on lui dit bonjour en Thai et il nous dit Hello avec son accent Thai: "Alloooo! Pancake?" c'est genial! C'est un vieux petit Thai, qui est assis la toute la jhournee a faire des super pancakes! Ici tout baigne, on est alles se ballader dans la jungle en tongues il y a qq jours. On n'a pas eu d'electricite depuis 4 jours, et pas d'eau non-plus. Normalememnt, il y a de l'electricite de 18h a minuit, pour une prise, une ampoule, et le ventilateur. Hier soir, il y a une bestiole qui a passe un sale quart d'heure dans le mur au dessus de notre tete: et ca a finit an couinement et le plus gros a tue le plus petit surement!! Il s'en passent des choses dans les murs ici! Il nousreste qq jours ici a Tonsai, on a achete nos billets de bus pour notre retour a Bangkok dimanche. On a bcp grimpe, et nos doigts sont fatigues! Ici rien ne seche tellement l'air est humide. POur le maillot de bain, c'est pas grave, ca sent les iles!!! Mais pour la peau de nos doigts, ca s'use bcp plus vite quand c'est humide sur le caillou! On prends le bus dimanche, 15 heures de bus jusqu'a Bangkok, et apres ca l'avion jusqu'a SF. Voila voila!! J'espere que tout le monde va bien!! Bisous~~ (Ce sera surement notre dernier petit message d'ici notre depart, et je mettrai des photos quand j'arrive a la maison)
Monday, January 15, 2007
Re: Comments
Mom: C'est parce que tu veux pas ma mobylette? C'est cool que t'ai recupere ta caisse. Je suis allee lire ton message quand meme... :) Ouais, c'est sur qu'on sera content de manger une bonne timballe milanaise! De base. Et puis si vous avez reussi a nous garder un saucisson, c'est carrement le luxe!! Bises.
Paul: No, crazy boy, I sure didn't eat the leg. I'm not that commited to please the Thais! I ate the fries though :) Wait til I kick your butt at Mission on the 13s! and btw, Brendan hasn't sent YET (me neither though!). I can belay on 14s... does that make me look cool?? lol. No seriously, I don't know if I am looking forward to ever reaching that level: there are no more holds on the 14s!
Friday, January 12, 2007
Bugs and more
rock :) :) :)
Sorry about the big bug emphasis, but here is some more... No more crawling
on us at night, which yeah, is great. I thought I was being a chicken with
them, until that same night Brendan said "How much do you care for a little
investigation of the bed before we go to sleep?". I'm happy, I think he
might after all be a normal being :) Today is a rest day, and for lunch, I
had what they have on most menus on the beach little cafes: "Freanch Fried"
(no typo there) and this is actually french fries. In my little plate: among
the "fried", I found... a fried leg. This is not a joke, I promise I found a
hairy grilled roach leg. So for Olivier's comment: I guess the local eat
both the lobsters and the roaches! I still ate the "fried" to pretend I'm
not part of the "white-rich-I don't like the locals- population"... but
euh... yes, maybe we can try another place for lunch next time. We have both
climbed hard the last couple of days. We did go to the island, and the
weather was "bloody bad" (there's a ton of people from Australia and New
Zealand here! So I don't know about Thai, but my Australian is getting
better!). It was windy and there was lots of wave for our 10K paddle to our
climbing spot. We made it, and climbed there. Climbing was great and we had
our own beach for lunch, yeah, with white sand and all. The climbing was
scary, and for the first time I couldn't jump and had to downclimb a bit
before jumping in. It's ok, I'll jump next time. Maybe :). Yesterday we
climbed routes on the beach, and I finally pulled out every move on the 13a
I'm working on, (I am super excited about that route, and I think I can send
it before we leave in about a week. The stopper move for me is a HUGE dyno
to a 2 finger pocket at the last draw. Brendan has his own little pride too:
he has done all the moves on a 14a, and hopes he can put it together. That's
more comments that the climbers will appreciate, but the rock here is so
good. Lots of pockets, lots of dynos, and most bottoms of climbs are sick
overhangs and roofs, worked in by the tides, and tsunamis... It has rained a
lot, tropical rain storms, before which the monkeys seem to go nuts. So I
got some great monkey pictures :) On our paddle to Koh Poda Island a few
days ago, I saw a flying fish. My first :) Was fun.
For Brendan's medic thing, I didn't put it up on the blog, because he was
super bummed. But yeah, these guys turned it into a lottery system, and he's
not in. The good news is he gets two tickets for next year they say. The bad
news is we want to be in Colorado next year. So... Probably not the medic
program at CCSF. Brendan hasn't grown up in a city, and he is very ready to
get out of the city, so it'll be his call, but I don't feel he'll wait
around for his turn at CCSF. We've talked a lot, but he was sad. I'm glad
we're here, it helped him take his mind off of it.
To finish on a happier note, he'll send a 14a most likely here, and that's
Talk to you soon, I won't translate this one because I wrote too much!
~~Paul: Have an awesome time in Mexico my friend!
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Easy day today
Aujourd'hui pas d'escalade. On a loue des palmes + masques et tuba, et on est partis faire floc floc et voir les poissons... super sympa. Et entre 2 sessions, on faisait les saucisses sur la plage. On a des petits moments de pluie ici, et le ciel est moyen, alors on se tate pour notre petit sejour sur l'ile en face. Peut-etre on finira par y aller seulelment pour la journee a cause de la meteo. En tous cas, on est guerris, finie la creve, finie la tourista... :) Brendan a sorti son harmonica aujourd'hui sur la plage... un succes! Et moi j'ai tricote un peu... c'est vachement de saison! Entre l'harmonica et le tricot, les Thai sont confus! On est devenus super copain avec le mec qui a un stand de pancake Thai... et on vient d'apprendre a dire How are you, and Good. Pas encore trilingues, mais on fait de petits pas!!!
Oh oui, et dans la serie histoires d'horreur, pour moi au moins, je me suis reveillee cette nuit avec un cafard sur moi. Putain c'est deg. Et a ecraser, bonjour, il faut une matraque! Je me suis rendormie quand meme... mais apres t'es completement parano.
Today no climbing. Snorkeling! We rented fiuns + mask and tuba, and went down there to check out the fishies. Cool colors :) Beteween 2 dives, we worked on our tans. The weather isa little funky here lately, and we get regular rain shower with wind, so we are a little hesitant to do a trip to the island across from where we are. We might and up just going for the day, and paddle back the same night. We are finally cured and hopefully done with the germs for good: no more cold, no more stomach bugs. Today on the beach, Brendan popped out his harmonica, and I kept knitting something I started in the plane. The local people looked sort of confused... We learnt how to say "How are you", and "good" in Thai today. We probably won't be quite quite trilingual by the time we get back, we'll have to come back!
Oh yeah, and for the horror story section, for me at least, I woke up last night with a cocroach on my chest. It is so nasty. And you need a hammer to crush those guys!!! I successfully went back to sleep though, but you end up being pretty paranoid about what you feel after that!
Monday, January 8, 2007
peu pres une fois tous les 10 ans... peut-etre je devrais y aller plus
souvent :) Mais je persiste malgre les inconvenients, parce que c'est pas
mal quand meme!!
Mom: mais si c'est bon le oatmeal!! Je te raconterai les details mais on a
eu des petits pbs d'organisation au debut, et on n'avait pas de cash, et pas
d'atm sur l'ile, donc on n'a bouffe que ca pendant 2 jours!!
Janis: Ouais la taille du cafard m'a surprise, mais Brendan avait pas
tellement l'air impressione, et il m'a traitee de "fille de la ville"... le
vilain! Et c'est vrai qu'ils sont degueulasses. Les geckos sont bcp plus
mignons et fun! Et, ils bouffent les moustiques... good bug :)
Bisous, et a demain, la ils ferment le petit cafe, mais demain je serai de
retour sur le blog, parce qu'on a des pbs de meteo, il pleut, et on a du
repousser notre periple sur l'autre ile... A+
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For the Don Pedro crew :)
Alors la c'est pas juste pour la tourista, parce que non-seulement ca nous arrache la bouche... -ici sans piment, meme quand ils essayent, ils ont du mal- mais en plus ca nous file des germes!!! Maintenant je vous dis que je comprends pourquoi ils ont spaghettis bologaise sur le menu, c'est pour les touristes, et les aventuriers qui recuperent... On commence seulement a pouvoir aller bouffer avec moins de 2L d'eau! On boit pas l'eau du robinet, et l'eau en bouteille au "resto" est plus chere, alors on fait comme tout le monde qui ne boit pas l'eau locale: tu te pointes pour bouffer avec ton eau. Comme ca t'es sur d'ou elle vient, et peut-etre tu arriveras a survivre au curry! Bises a tous les amis~~~
From photos to predictions, The MSN Entertainment Guide to Golden Globes
Friday, January 5, 2007
Bug in the blog!
and by the time they came on, I had resent them. So it's messy! Sorry~~
It's ok, I'm a rookie with the blog. Here is a normal message hopefully!
I got super sick yesterday, and breakfast this morning is the first meal my
stomach can keep down since yesterday morning... woooo. I know I've been
super careful with the water, so it must have been from the food. Brendan
didn't get sick... lucky him. I treated myself with coke... it worked ok.
We have climbed more routes, and I got on what our guide calls "the best 13a
in Asia".... nothing less!! It is a really good route. Brendan has hoped on
a 14a... youhou! Lots of hard climbing. We are taking a couple of rest days
in a row, since it's half of our trip... And then we'll head out for more
deep-water soloing.
We had to do a gecko/big bug hunt in out room, because we left a little bit
of oatmeal hanging out. The bugs are huge here, it's crazy.
Sorry, I feel like I always say the same thing on the blog, but I have so
much details I can't put it all on!!!
Talk to you all soon~~
Je ne sais pas ce qui s'est passe avec le blog, mais il y a des vieux
messages qui ont ete retardes, et que j'avais deja renvoye, alors c'est le
bordel! C'est pas grave, voila un petit message normal...
J'ai ete malade, et la ca va mieux, j'ai rien pu bouffer hier, et c'etait
pas joli joli...!! Je me suis soignee au coca. On va se reposer 2 jours de
suite la, et apres on retournera faire de l'escalde au dessus de l'eau. Pour
le moment on a fait bcp d'escalade normale sur la page, et c'est genial. On
a eu des margouillas et cafards geants dans notre chambre, parce qu'on a
laisse trainer des restes de bouffe... pas bcp hein, mais ca a suffit! Les
insectes sont enormes ici, c'est tropical!
J'ai l'impression de tjs ecrire la meme chose sur le blog, mais c'est dur de
tout raconter en details, il y a trop de choses a dire!!
A+ ~~
New year
The new year start was a little rough on us: we both got sick... yep,
checked! I got a cold, and my stomach has been a little funky... & Brendan's
stomach is definitively unhappy. Nothing too bad though, and we are feeling
much better today. I went over everybody's comments, finally, and they're
all very cool! Here are a few words back:
Paul: yeah, Don pedro is actually 3 people: my mom, my dad, and my sister :)
so the competition is uneven.
Papou et mamou: je vous embrasse tous les deux, et bonne annee!
Don Pedro: fefe, super l'echarpe, j'ai hate de voir :) Mom, je pense bien a
toi, ici le hammac ils maitrisent, et l'eau est chaude! Dad: je prends des
photos, super la carte :)
Minnie: Grosses Bises, j'espere que ca va les messages en anglais!
Les Ruyer: je suis contente de savoir que ca le fait quand meme les mails en
anglais :) "I shitted on myself" c'est je me suis chie dessus! Bises.
Michel et Janis: Gros Bisous, je suis sure que vous suivez tout, Brendan
veut pas ecrire, mais il lit!
And everybody else too: Happy new year :) I hope I didn't forget anybody, if
I did, I'll write again later :) And I saw I did a million typos, the key
board is all faded, and I'm trying to write fast... so yeah, things get
We did two more days of deep water soloing, and yesterday, we took it easy
and did routes (with a rope then). We're planning a little trip to Poda
Island, about 6 miles away. We're thinking kayaking there, spend a couple
days, sleep on the beach, and climb what's there. Our guide book says the
climbs are really good over there.
I'm going to try to put a picture up, because we had a little thought for
all of you this morning, and took a low resolution picture, just for you
guys... but I'm going to send that before I try, because I'm not too sure
how it'll work out!
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Your comments
gens autour de moi on eu des pbs aussi. Les ordis ils sont "fiu" des fois
Voila mes petites reponses:
Paul: Yes, Don Pedro is actually my "family crew" !! It's my parents and my
sister. Hope you're tearing up the walls :)
Daphne: Hope you're doing good, I'm trying to take pictures as good as
yours... but I don't know! See you soon!
Les Ruyers: vous allez devenir des brutes en anglais si vous vous tapez le
dico. "I shitted on myself" ca veut dire "je me suis chie dessus"... ca m'a
bien fait rire :) Pour le login, je suis pas sure, peut-etre Olivier sait??
Fefe: j'ai hate de voir ton echarpe :) La plage et les palmiers: je pense
bien a toi!! Bisous.
Mom: Ici les Thai sont pas mal balaises en hammac. Je pense a toi quand je
grimpe, je pense tjs a ce que tu m'avais dit a propos de faire des trucs
avec Brendan :)
Dad: super la carte! Je prends des photos pour toi, les moteurs des bateau
Thai sont trop comiques, on te montrera. Hey tu sais pour la question de
login des Ruyer?
Michel et Janis: Brendan ne veux pas ecrire, mais il lit!! Pas de photos
malheureusement, mais on vous montrera tous ca en rentrant :)
Papou et mamou: c'est super d'avoir mes grands-parents qui suivent!!
J'espere que ca va en anglais. Le climat Thailandais me rappelle Tahiti,
mais je me fais moins bouffer par les moustiques!
Minnie: je suis trop contente que tu puisses suivre aussi. C'est genial
d'avoir sa petite famille! J'ai fait comme tu m'as dit pour les passeports,
pour le moment on n'a eu aucun probleme.
On est en train de faire des preparatifs pour faire une petite escursion a 6
miles d'ici, sur l'ile Koh Poda, ou il parait que l'escalade au dessus de
l'eau est geniale. On va y aller en kayak et surement camper sur la plage,
et revenir le lendemain. J'ai vu que dans les autres emails j'ai fait des
millions de fautes de frappe, les claviers sont tous deteints ici, et je
tape trop vite sans relire... alors forcement c'est le bordel :))) Bises a
toute la bande, et Bonne Annee!!
Hope everybody is doing good, I just answered my frenchy friends and family
comments, and the others too. We're planning a kayak trip to another island,
where we want to do more deep water soloing, and camp on the beach for a
night. Sorry about all the typos in the previous posts, the key boards are
faded, and I'm trying to type fast...! Talk to you soon, and Happy New
PS I guess the pic didn't make it hein? Oh well, I tried :)
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Old message saved...
in business. Here is an older posting that I recovered from my "sent"
En fait je ne sais pas si c'est moi ou l'ordi qui a deconne, parce que les
gens autour de moi on eu des pbs aussi. Les ordis ils sont "fiu" des fois
Voila mes petites reponses:
Paul: Yes, Don Pedro is actually my "family crew" !! It's my parents and my
sister. Hope you're tearing up the walls :) Yes, the Thai food did its
thing. But we heard it's a one time deal and then you're done for your trip,
so, done! I think you count for 2 with Wendy :)
Daphne: Hope you're doing good, I'm trying to take pictures as good as
yours... but I don't know! See you soon!
Les Ruyers: vous allez devenir des brutes en anglais si vous vous tapez le
dico. "I shitted on myself" ca veut dire "je me suis chie dessus"... ca m'a
bien fait rire :) Pour le login, je suis pas sure, peut-etre Olivier sait??
Fefe: j'ai hate de voir ton echarpe :) La plage et les palmiers: je pense
bien a toi!! J'espere que ca va le faire a Pharmaca! Bisous.
Mom: Ici les Thai sont pas mal balaises en hammac. Je pense a toi quand je
grimpe, je pense tjs a ce que tu m'avais dit a propos de faire des trucs
avec Brendan :)
Dad: super la carte! Je prends des photos pour toi, les moteurs des bateau
Thai sont trop comiques, on te montrera. Hey tu sais pour la question de
login des Ruyer?
Michel et Janis: Brendan ne veux pas ecrire, mais il lit!! Pas de photos
malheureusement, mais on vous montrera tous ca en rentrant :)
Papou et mamou: c'est super d'avoir mes grands-parents qui suivent!!
J'espere que ca va en anglais. Le climat Thailandais me rappelle Tahiti,
mais je me fais moins bouffer par les moustiques!
Minnie: je suis trop contente que tu puisses suivre aussi. C'est genial
d'avoir sa petite famille! J'ai fait comme tu m'as dit pour les passeports,
pour le moment on n'a eu aucun probleme.
On est en train de faire des preparatifs pour faire une petite escursion a 6
miles d'ici, sur l'ile Koh Poda, ou il parait que l'escalade au dessus de
l'eau est geniale. On va y aller en kayak et surement camper sur la plage,
et revenir le lendemain. J'ai vu que dans les autres emails j'ai fait des
millions de fautes de frappe, les claviers sont tous deteints ici, et je
tape trop vite sans relire... alors forcement c'est le bordel :))) Bises a
toute la bande, et Bonne Annee!!
Hope everybody is doing good, I just answered my frenchy friends and family
comments, and the others too. We're planning a kayak trip to another island,
where we want to do more deep water soloing, and camp on the beach for a
night. Sorry about all the typos in the previous posts, the key boards are
faded, and I'm trying to type fast...! Talk to you soon, and Happy New
PS I guess the pic didn't make it hein? Oh well, I tried :)
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Tuesday, January 2, 2007
It's ok. We're doing all good now, but we had a rough start this new year: we both got sick, so we quicked back a little, and climbed some routes, with a rope then, yesterday. I have a cold, and our stomachs were feeling a little funky lert's say :)
Since it messed everything up, I'm at least going to try to get that picture posted!!!
We're having a Thai "pancake" on the beach.
Here there serve bananas with everything. I think I can deal with that!
Kisses to everybody.