Sunday, November 10, 2013

Bishop climbing trip

So this was a really fun climbing trip, with a really sad ending to it. We started by meeting up Michel and Maja, and Chantal, in Las Vegas, where we bouldered, hiked and camped, then drove to Bishop.  Miko met us up, we celebrated my birthday, had super good weather, did a rest day in the hot springs, spent some good days pulling hard on granite, ate good food at the bakkery in town....... and then we rolled and destroyed the van on our drive back, in the middle of nowhere in Nevada. Huge deal for our little family, and the end of the van. Brendan's parents bailed us out of all of it. We drove a rental minivan back home, and we are back in Boulder, vanless, but we are all fine. Here are some pix of the fun part of the trip, I don't need to remember the van destruction phase..... and then we skip to 'at Michel and Maja's at the farm' like Sky calls it :) which is Brendan's parents' place in California. It could have been so much worse, but I am emotionally destroyed. Brendan is full speed in van #2 project mode, and Sky wants a DVD player in the new van!

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