Sunday, May 12, 2013

Peinture murale

Arthur nous a decore le mur de la future chambre des mecs."Hey, Sky! Qu'est ce que tu veux qu'il te dessine Arthur?" La premiere reponse c'etait "une jeep et un flaman rose" et ca a evolue a "un ours qui mange un poisson et un moose"... Alors on a fait le 2e choix! Sky a beaucoup aime regarde Ratus, et surtout l'aider ;) Pendant que Tao se defoulait sur la boite a feutres... il a bien compris que Sky etait occupe a autre chose, et du coup lui a pique sa boite!

My brother painted the wall in the room that is soon going to be the boys' room. When we asked Sky what he wanted on the wall, his first answer was "a jeep and a pink flamingo!", which later turned into "a bear eating a fish and a moose"... so we went with that :) Sky loved helping out and watching Arthuir, while Tao destroyed the box of markers ;) He realized Sky was too busy to care about his pens! 

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I can't wait to see the final result!

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