Friday, May 11, 2012

Une belle phrase!

J'ai presque oublie de mettre un petit mot a propos de la premiere phrase de Skyouche! Sky a fait sa premiere phrae officielle ce matin. On est partis de la maison direction l'aquarium de Denver, mais on s'est arrete sur la route: on est passe dire bonjour a Brendan a la Station de pompiers. Sur le chemin, il y a pas mal de vaches, qui broutent penardes au pied des collines. Sky ne fait pas trop la difference entre pres et loin, mais il fait la difference entre petit et gros :) De son siege auto, il a dit "petit cows, l'est ou, l'est ou?" et voila: une belle phrase un peu melangee, mais ca compte ;)

I almost forgot to put that in! Today Sky officially made what I am going to call his first sentence :) We left home, and drove to Brendan's fire Station on our way to the Aquarium. We took Hwy 93 thru Golden to get there, which is lined with cows grazing at the bottom of the hills. Sky has no concept of distance, but he knows size: "petit" and "gros" (little and big). In very clear speech from his car seat, today he said: "petit cows l'est ou, l'est ou?" Literally that would be something like little cows, where at, where at? Nice work baby :)

1 comment:

Lea said...

too precious!!!

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