Well well well... what have we been up to? Well, the weather is getting better and better and is starting to actually look like summer!! We've been going up to Rifle to climb on our days off, and it's been awesome. The canyon is a lot dryer earlier in the season than last year, meaning more holds are dry and more routes are climbable early. We've adopted a semi-regular schedule of going for a trail run the first day that I get off of work after Chloe wakes up after having worked that night before, and then drive to Rifle that evening, spend the night, climb in Rifle for the next two days, come home, get up, go for a trail run/another climb, Chloe goes to work that night, and I try to go to bed early and go to work the next morning for two days before getting another four days off and doing it all over again! It's awesome. The lifestyle is simple, yet extremely satisfying :) Work has been busy, and that's good. I love running lots of calls, always interesting and entertaining. I've been seeing Chloe at work a fair amount (dropping off patients to her), which is always fun. Not all fireman or paramedics get a kiss from the nurse as a greeting at the front door :)
Chloe is doing great, almost six months along with the pregnancy and still kicking ass. She climbs, she runs, she does yoga, and I only have to crack the whip every once in a while (just kidding). She's got a 12c lined up Rifle to send next trip: which would be quite the accomplishment at six months pregnant! It's a stiff 12c for sure! Her belly is getting bigger by the day (it seems) and the baby is really starting to move around in there (I can feel it now!). It must be smart, getting an early start on some workout action, because climbing will surely ensue shortly after delivery ;)
Our last trip to rifle got cut short by some bad weather (ie. snow and lots of rain), so we came home and climbed in Eldorado canyon the next day, which was sweet (see pics).
Well the hour is getting late, and I am once again failing on trying to get to bed early the night before work: oh well...
Enjoy the new summer weather!!!!!!
Enfin! Je commencais a trouver le temps long depuis la derniere mise a jour.
J'ai du mal a comprendre comment Chloe arrive encore a grimper. Le petit va attraper le vertige!
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