Sunday, March 31, 2013

Homemade blueberry muffins

Blueberry muffins are big in Sky's book for breakfast. Today we made some while Tao was napping. 
I had a hard time keeping enough blueberries for the dough, but a few made it in ;)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Egg Race

Grand Rabbit (a sweet toy store) had an Easter Egg Race this morning! So we went and ran outside after the eggs, and then played in the store :)

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WOW! Children's museum

I took Sky and Tao to Wow! ... and they loved it! Here are a few pictures... and there is so much more! Pirate ship, big bubbles, sand box, mini whole foods, mini bank, electric train, costumes, tap shoes, fish tank, lizard tank, music room, light room, and it never ends!!!... and 2 hours of it makes kids TI-RED!!! :-)

The drive home was pretty quiet.....

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Coolest ride

On our way to pick up the car... we needed to bring along the car seat, 
so that did it, and the boys were psyched! :-)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

"Made in mon garage"

Petit Tshirt fait par Arthur!! Climbing gear

 Hoodie fait par Arthur :) Raccoons

Passez vos commandes a Arthur! (les nains ne sont pas livres avec)

Coolest hand printed clothes made by my brother :)

It is spring!

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