Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Playing @ the park

We went for a walk with Eliot and Synthia, and stopped by the park afterwards... It is a whole new world now that Sky can stand up! He is super psyched at the playground!

Photo Session @ Yo Mama

Helen Knight Photography

More pictures coming...!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Standing up!

Sky pulls himself up now... on anything! He isn't walking yet, but it shouldn't be much longer, as he walks so much and so fast with our hands :) Our little man is everywhere, and so happy to finally explore a higher level of shelves ;) He is still taking 2 good naps a day... all that crawling and standing seems to make him tired in the end! He fell asleep in the Chariot a few days ago... after we went food shopping... and beer shopping! He eats just about anything, as long as it is mashed up, and seems to be less picky with foods than Brendan... for now :)

Rifle with an awesome baby-sitter!

We went to Rifle for a couple of days last week with my Mom: Brendan and I climbed together for two full days, which hasn't happened to us in... 10 months! While Sky and Corine hung out all day next to the river, in the flip pac, strolling up and down the canyon. I think everybody was pretty happy that way!! We went with the flip pac, which is still in business for now, as the van is getting its case taken care of! Brendan is spending every minute of his "free" time (after climbing, work, and cuddling with his little dude) working on the van. The van got a paint job in LineX last week. Brendan installed new bumpers, a rack, took off the old roof rack, changed the skylight, installed the water heater, and took out the old fridge so we can replace it with ours. It is looking better and better every day, and we are super psyched to start using it! It still needs a new engine, and Brendan will finish up the electrical soon too.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Faire les poussieres!

Sky aime beaucoup le plumeau!

Our new ride!

We decided to get an upgrade! The flip pac is still an awesome road trip vehicle, but we are going to try out our new van, which will hopefully be all set and ready to road trip this fall :) In the meanwhile Brendan has installed a hand-weaved net for Sky in the flip pac. We just spent a few days in Rifle last week. We got rained on a fair amount, but still got some great climbing in, both of us. We just bought a 1986 VW van, which Brendan went to go get in Las Vegas! He flew down, and drove the newly purchased van to Colorado! Brendan has since been working a bunch on it, despite very little free time... and made a list of thing he is planing on getting done for our sweet ride :) The plan is to swap the engine (so that we can actually register it in Colorado!) and make it as good as the flip pac: hot water, heater, baby and passenger friendly for long driving hours, etc. Have a look!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Pour faire le clown... il y a du monde!

Sky is becoming a really funny little dude, laughing, making faces, and loving life! We went to a birthday party this afternoon, and Sky came back with a sweet yellow helium balloon... :D The new coolest thing though, after the balloon, is to stand up in his crib!

Sky est de plus en plus comique, il fait le cake, fait des grimaces, et rigole tout le temps! On est alles aux deux ans d'une petite copine cette aprem, et Sky est revenu avec un beau ballon... La derniere de Sky cependant, apres avoir rigole avec le ballon, c'est de se mettre debout dans son lit!

Monday, July 4, 2011

About Us