Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chilling out with Sky!

It is chilly here, so we bundle Sky a lot ;) We were hanging out in the kitchen counter together tonight while Brendan took a picture!

Ca caille chez nous, alors on emballe Sky ;) Ce soir on etait pose penards dans la cuisine, et Brendan nous a pris en photo!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sky and Audrey!!!

Audrey put together an awesome baby shower for me, and she finally got to meet Sky last week!!! People get us confused at work. She would tell them "Chloe is the one with the big biceps and the big belly"... Sky knows her voice for sure... no doubt he could tell from inside who was a crazy patient and who was Audrey... :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sky is growing so fast!!

Our little guy is looking more and more like a little baby (instead of a newborn!) with his eyes wide open and sweet little faces and smiles, we love him so much!!!! We are still wondering if he is cuter awake or asleep... ;)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I am a train ticket!!!

Arthur got us an awesome little onesie: Sky can be a BART ticket :)))))

I can't walk...

... But I have some sweeeeeet shoes!

Merci Corinne et Duduche ;)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Babygros en polaire

Vive le polaire quand il neige dehors!!

Fleece is awesome when it snows outside!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


This morning is the first white morning!!!

Sky still thinks it's ok to get his morning nap in though... :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Morning smiles for his birthday!!!

Sky is 2 months old today!!! He has been smiling a bunch in the morning, so for his big day I tried to catch a few for you... and I suck! So I am attaching several pictures, which hopefully show a little something! He smiles often and is getting pretty good at holding his head by himself, still hard at times though! We went for his first trail run a few days ago... yay for Sky, the rocks, the bumps and the single tracks! xoxo

Sky a 2 mois aujourd'hui!!! Il fait de plus en plus de sourires, surtout le matin. J'ai essaye ce matin d'en attraper quelques uns avec l'appareil photo... et c'est pas facile!! Je mets plusieurs photos, en esperant que vous pourrez voir son petit sourire qui va et vient vachement vite! Il sourit pas mal maintenant, et commence a tenir sa tete tout seul. On l'a emmene courrir sur les chemins il y a quelques jours... yahoo, les bosses, les cailloux! Bisous-

PS- At 2 months, Sky is now 11 lbs 3 oz, and 22 inches long :)))))
Go breast fed babies!!! (and their mamas)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Brendan au boulot

On est a la maison avec Sky, Brendan bosse aujourd'hui et demain. On a commence par faire la grasse mat, et puis un tour en kangourou, et on vient de faire des muffins!! Sky dort vachement bien dans le kangourou pendant qu'on se promene... on dirait qu'il dort a poings fermes, et il se reveille des que je m'arrete, ou qu'on arrive a la maison!! Je continue a mettre des photos pour que vous puissiez voir sa petite bouille souvent :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Photo du jour

Pas grand chose de neuf aujourd'hui... on est alles grimper a la salle d'escalade, Sky a fait une super sieste, et du coup on a pu grimper pendant 3 heures. Il est trop bien ce bebe!!! On garde celui la ;) On ne se lasse pas de sa petite tete et ses petites grimaces! J'ai pris des photos de lui dans le pouf... je vous en mets une. Bisous-

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Who's my daddy?

The one who sleeps like me!! -Sky.

"Home" improvement...

Brendan is not painting the baby's room... he's doing way better: he is putting hot water in the flip pac!! Ooouh yeah baby, camping with a hot shower! He installed a sink and water heater inside, and the shower hose and head come out of the side of the truck... to shower in the wild! I don't know much about plumbing and hoses, but it doesn't seem simple... he's almost there though!! It's not quite finished, but here are a few pictures of the work in progress. Meanwhile, Sky and I went to the pool for the first time today :)) I didn't have enough hands to hold the baby and take pictures, but Brendan will come next time so we can get some pictures of our little shrimp ;) Sky's swim suit is just awesome.

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