Well we've been busy playing around and what not... We visited some family in SF over the holidays, and saw my brother's new baby girl: very cute :)
Fefe came and visited us for a few days and we went climbing down in Shelf Road (just north of Canon City) on a nice beautiful sunny midwinter Colorado day. That's the beauty of this place. A sunny day in the middle of winter can translate to some shorts and T-shirt action on the rock or mellow day on the slopes. Either one is close by :)
Chloe and I continued to take advantage of some good weather and went climbing up in Clear
Creek Canyon (just west of Golden) on some fun overhanging rock with some powerful little routes: very fun. It's so nice to be back out on the real rock.
I'm covering part of a shift for someone tonight so off to work I go for a little longer shift than normal, but it shouldn't be too bad as long as we don't have to stay up all night running calls.