My Mom came to visit for the week-end, and she didn't miss not having to deal with snow storms between home and the airport!! Now that we live in Boulder the airport is 40 miles of freeway away, super easy!! We hiked around at Rocky Mountain National Park, went to yoga, biked around Boulder, and had a really sweet week-end! Pretty short, but pretty sweet :))
Brendan is studying his butt off for his fire academy, reading hundreds of textbook pages every day, and climbing in the gym in between chapters! His schedule sucks, it is a Monday thru Friday deal, 6am to 5pm every day... We see each other when our schedules match, and we can't wait for the end of the academy to get our 3-4 days of climbing a week together back. It is coming and we both know it, so we're hanging in there! We still run, climb, and cook nice little dinners for ourselves, we just share them together a lot less! TWO MORE MONTHS...! We think it will be worth the trouble :)
My job is going ok, either I am getting used to the craziness, or we've had more mellow nights lately. Or, we have better staffing! Being well staffed is a big deal in this place. When we are short-staffed, I have horrible nights, running my butt off all night, not having time to eat or pee, and feeling like I am so overwhelmed I might make mistakes because I have so much to do and so little time to get it done before it is a problem! With nice staffing, we help each other a lot, get the job done well and then I really like it...! Winter seems to be just around the corner and mornings are chilly already, but it sounds like it won't last too long and we'll get a few more warm days before the real winter.