Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Birthday in Joe's Valley

I had an awesome birthday celebration in Joe's. Brendan and I had 4 (well-deserved!) days off together... which hasn't happened in a little while. We met up with Steve and the Mission Cliffs gang from SF, and bouldered for 4 days. We had my raspberry birthday cake around the campfire... and it was fun to catch up with city news :) It has been a crazy... month.. year... whatever you want to call it! But it finally looks like we're getting somewhere now. Brendan left this morning at 4am to go do his last ambulance rides in Denver, yay, we will be much better off schedule-wise once that's done. He loved it, and might try to work for these guys in the long run, we'll see what happens. I have just taken on a second job, and for now it's going well. I am still on my toes, but critical care is finally starting to feel like something I might be able to handle without a preceptor :))) I have been off orientation at St Mary's in Grand Junction for a little bit now, working nights, and so far so good. Working in Glenwood is a very different drill, even though it is the same kind of unit. The hospital in Glenwood feels more like a spa or a fancy hotel than a hospital... but people are still sick enough for them to have a critical care unit :P The vibe is very different, but same deal, so far so good!! I am putting up a few pictures from our nice little week-end in Utah. It was fun to go back to bouldering for a while, we have mainly been climbing routes since we moved to Colorado. Now we're back here at home in Glenwood, the elks are back, and today at work I saw the first snowflakes of the season out the window... I guess winter is here! Much love, and we'll keep posting :) -Chloe

J'ai passe un super week-end prolonge d'anniversaire a Joe's Valley, a Utah. On a enfin eu quelques jours libres synchro avec Brendan... 4 d'affilee... ca faisait un petit bout de temps que ca ne nous etait pas arrive! On a retrouve des copains de SF a Utah, et on a grimpe et campe pendant 4 jours. On a mange mon gateau d'anniversaire... la framboise etait encore meilleure autour du feu de camp ;) Ca a ete un peu la folie ces derniers... jours... mois... peut-etre meme annee tiens! Mais ca y est, on commence a en voir le bout, et Brendan est parti ce matin a 4h pour sa derniere serie de stages a Denver. Ce ne sera pas du luxe quand il aura termine, les allers-et venues Glenwood-Denver nous ont fait mener une vie un peu folle... Brendan va voir s'il decide de travailler pour les pompiers avec qui il etait en stage a Denver, on verra! De mon cote, j'ai commence mon 2e job a Glenwood, patr dessus mon job a Grand Junction. C'est le meme genre de service (ICU/CCU: Itensive Care Unit/Critical Care Unit) mais c'est tres different en fait. L'hopital a Glenwood a plus l'air d'un centre de thalasso ou d'un super hotel que d'un hopital.... Mais tout baigne pour le moment. Je commence enfin a me sentir plus a l'aise en soins intensifs. Je vous mets quelques photos de Joe's Valley. C'etait sympa de revoir nos collegues de SF, et de faire un peu de bouldering. Depuis notre demenagement on a surtout fait des voies, pas beaucoup de bouldering. Nous voila de retour a la maison a Glenwood, les elans sont deja de retour, et les premiers flocons sont tombes aujourd'hui dans l'apres-midi... l'hiver est la donc! Grosses Bises a nos super lecteurs :) -Chloe

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