Saturday, November 19, 2011

Comme les grands


Comme les grands, Skyouche mange des oeufs brouilles au petit dejeuner quand il fait la grasse matinee, et comme les grands, Sky mets sa frontale quand il fait nuit! Et comme un petit qui s'eclate, il joue dans le sable ;)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sky et Eliot : on partage le gouter!

C'est pas Hollywood, et c'est un peu fonce, mais ils sont tres mignons les deux loustiques ensembles!

Sunny winter days at the park!

Il y a un monstre au bout du tunnel!!!

Seems like Sky could spend his awake existence at the playground :) So we almost do! Here are some pictures from a couple of days ago at Chatauqua, and this morning at Wonderland Lake. The tunnel was a total hit this morning ;)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


It snowed a foot of snow overnight... let's go out and play! I was supposed to go to Colorado Springs for a class, which got canceled because of the weather... yay, it feels like a snow day! 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pictures from Petaluma!

Hehhe, here we go, I got lots of nice pictures from Janis and I had a hard time picking just a few, so here are a bunch! Sky with Janis and Michel, and then with the sheep, chickens, cat, and in the swing, on the climbing wall, in the sandbox... SKY EVERYWHERE with EVERYBODY! Janis had bought a pumpkin to carve, and Brendan carved Pacha in it ;) Sky had some annoying diaper rash, so we let him rock the leg warmers and vest without pants or diaper to go out for a walk, and let him be just naked, like all babies love, when we were home! :D

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